I ended up getting a funky plastic red GUESS? purse.
Kipling didn't have the design I wanted. And the ones in the boutique were similar to my lime green one. So why would I want to spend another RM500 on something that looks exactly like what I have now....except for the color.
Besides, GUESS? was having sale.
And I got my purse for cheaper.
Although I kindda regret getting it now.
Cause it's slim and after stuffing all my rubbish from the old purse into this new one, it's got problems buttoning up.
Actually, I couldn't make up my mind between the slim funky red plastic one and a thick vintage orange one.
In the end, I opted for the slimmer one cos it was classier.
I think I have a strong feeling I might go back and get the other one.
I've also set my eyes on a Coach =)
FattyHubby is gonna kill me.
Anyways, here are some latest pics of Renée.
I took these in the car last night while waiting for my Coffee Jelly Frappucino.