Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome to the world, Devon!

I have another nephew!
And I'm soooo happy to hear that he came into this world without giving much pain to his mummy.
Congrats, CuzNette and CuzInLawHamish!!!
I can't wait to see the baby when you come back in November for my wedding.
Oooh, two joyful occassions to look forward to and this excitement is already making me squirm in my seat!
Devon, when you big enough, Aunty Kristy gonna go introduce you to party places and alcohol okay!
Aunty Kristy is the MOST FUN to be with.
And I promise you that.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


when i had to find out about your 2nd pregnancy through your blog *hmph*
Shame on you, Aniston! You promised to wait for me!
But CONGRATS!!! *happy hugs*
Can't wait to meet up with you to see your expanding tummy - again. Haha!
You must be soooo excited.
Aiyah....NZ trip can wait till number 2 pops out yah.
Went to see Father Simon of SFX today to get the words for the church wedding booklet approved. He approved of everything BUT took a second look at my song for the bridal entrance.
I waited, heart thundering.
Please please please let him let me play that song.
"What song is this again?"
"Erm....Return to Innocence by Enigma" I whimpered softly hoping he will mistake it for something else.
"What does it sound like?....OK, nevermind, I download now and hear".
Waaaah, so canggih wan arr, priest also know how to download from YouTube wann worr.
In less than a minute, the song was blasting out through the speakers on his laptop.
I closed my eyes.
Please please please let him not know it's a satanic group.
"No no no no no" he came running out. "We cannot play this in church".
"Why arr?"
"Because..." it's satanic .... "It put images of half naked indian men dancing in my head!"
Blink blink
So, I need to find a back-up song.
And counting down....
2 months and 6 days to go before the BIG day.
How come I'm not getting wedding jitters yet?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm thinking

It's so crazy but I feel like as if I need another holiday after going away for a holiday. Will be heading to Cherating again this weekend, but that would be just like going 'home' so doesn't really feel like a holiday.
At least this time we'll be going with CrazyChristine, FunnyVJ, Stevie and Jo, so perhaps it'll be more fun and we might get up to doing naughtier things *shrugs* who knows.
And I couldn't tahan.
TOLD myself to be patient till November, but I couldn't tahan.
I went to see Fred@TTDI and snipped off my hair.
That was ONLY phase one.
Going to see him again for phase two.
And I have no idea what he's going to do with it this time.
I finally uploaded pictured from Redang. But not all of them. So here are what I did upload.
our first glimpse of redang island and it was enough to take my breath away. gosh, this is so much better than Cherating!

crystal clear water meets sandy white sand. just perfect!

even the clouds swirls around in a happy, clappy weird way, making everyone feel even happier.

looking down on the terrace while having dinner on the upper floor.

shadows cast on the sand while we strolled along the beach after a heavy dinner. live band played in the background

more clear skies on our second day

fatty enjoying the sea breeze

see! we can never go on a holiday without bringing my beloved jack along

feeding the fishies with bread, fattening them up for bigger fishies to eat

they may be tiny but their bite damn painful k

our first moonshine. it was gorgeous. but sorry arr, me not that masterful with the camera so cannot take canggih canggih pictures wan

the oh-so-famous more more tea inn, made famous by the movie summer holidays starring ritchie ren and sammy cheng. if you haven't watched it, no worries. book yourself into laguna redang, turn on channel 6 and it's showing there 24-7.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Damn lazy lah

So lazy to download the pictures from Redang lah.

Snapped too many pictures, now dunno which ones I wanna keep and which ones that should be tendang-ed out.
But Redang. GORGEOUS!
So gorgeous, I didn't wanna come back.
I got my tan.
And I'm loving it *winks*
Pictures should be up soon I hope depending on how lazy I am, and I have to admit, I am getting extremely lazy these days.
Plus, a big-ass zit which plopped itself nicely on the top right side of my lip is beginning to turn white and it hurts like hell!
And I'm too pussy to burst it myself.
But BIG shout out to FlightyHsiaoJean and BeerDrinkerHeather (previously known as FeatherHeather. She's not that featherish afterall).
I know I just came back from the island, but I'm off to the beach again in 2 weeks!
I know I know
But it's the LAST opportunity for us to go Cherating before AuntyLuan officially sells off her resort by Sept 30th.
The feeling is like losing a home to go back to.
Guess we have to start looking for another home to go to now.
I'm thinking
Gotta love it, no?