Friday, July 25, 2008


Splurged on myself one last time (konon-lah) before the baby comes! And am happy happy happy!
Had a hard time deciding between the blue and the pink but when I saw the green, I just fell in love. So unique! And it matches my green Kipling purse too!
It's touch screen and comes with a really cute stylus but I prefer using my fingernails. Still learning how to use it but since my last camera was also a Sony Cybershot, there shouldn't be much diffrence except for a few new features.
So, hopefully with this new toy, my blog would be brightened up with more colourful chirpy pictures!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Freaking Out

Something happened last night that got me thinking.
Real hard.
And it sucks.
Cos when I start thinking about things like that, I get extremely paranoid.
I'm not what you would call the most fortunate person on earth.
Anything bad that happens to someone, there's a high percentage that it will happen to me as well.
I'm not cursing myself.
I'm just saying that I'm always careful and never take things for granted.
And I'm prone to mishaps befalling me.
And I never know if it will happen to me.
But things that get me thinking, gets me extra worried.
And when I'm worried, I start freaking out.
What happened?
I know this person.
And her baby's due date is this week.
She lost her baby last week.
So tell me.
How can I NOT freak out?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I want this

So that I can start whacking at all the stupid mosquitoes that somehow managed to escape into my tightly enclosed room and suck my blood.
It's so annoying really, to be nodding off to sleep and then suddenly, you hear that stupid buzzing sound that only mosquitoes make, flying around your ears. And no matter how much you swing your hands around your ears, the damn thing keeps coming back!
And then, you end up whacking your own ears and face in the process.
At least with this swatter thing, I don't have to get up and start clapping my hands at every damn place that I think I saw the mossie flying pass. I can just pick the swatter up and play air tennis. I'm SURE I'd hit the mossie somehow. And then it will die a torturous death of being burnt and eletrocuted alive.
I can even use the swatter on cockroaches, especially tiny ones that lurks at corners and runs damn fast. And like what XiaXue wrote, it can also be used on adult cockraoches. At least if it doesn't kill them, it'll burn their feelers and leave them directionless and they'll be running around in circles and I can then smash them with a slipper / book / whatever.
Best of all, it can be used on lizards too!!!! (Claps hand in glee!).
Baby lizards can be bbq-ed alive and if they try to escape by releasing their disgusting small tiny tails, it'll be burnt up too! Ha! Imagine the joy of killing lizards. I'll never have to run in the other direction anymore.
As for adult lizards, I don't know if it will work on them or not. But at least it will leave them shocked and paralyzed for a while. And while they are recovering from the shock, I can swat them over and over and over again until they eventually die a slow and painful burning death. I seriously think I will enjoy myself squatting next to it and just smacking it repeatedly and watching it slip into eternal death.
Hmph! That's for trying to scare me by running out from behind bathroom doors. And for appearing out of nowhere while I'm looking through my junk. And for making that annoying, irritating sound that they make ALL the time!!!!
Someone once told me that lizards are actually guardians and it guards us from ghosts and spirits around us by making that stupid sound and that we should appreciate lizards.
Well, he can go kiss the lizard all he wants, and if a ghost or spirit comes near me, I'll whack it with the electronic zapper too!
I KNOW it's a waste of money, especially when I'm already this close to popping BUT I still want one!!!
I KNOW it's gonna cost me (okay, fine, FattyHubby) double the amount of a normal 2D scan but c'mon! It's our first baby, and I want to see if the doc is right and if she really looks like FattyHubby instead of me!
Actually, when I was at week 28, I already asked the doc if we could do a 4D scan, but Renee had her hand covering half her face and was only peeping out from the corner of her hand, so it wasn't worthit to get the 4D.
Then at week 30, she had her other hand covering the other half of her face so again, cannot do 4D.
At week 32, totally couldn't see her face. She had her buttocks facing us instead....
Damn drama princess!
So I told myself, tried 3 times and 3 times also fail. Which means it's fated lah that we don't waste the money on the 4D scan. But I also KNOW for sure now that we've decided not to waste the money, when I see the doc again next week, she'll be facing the camera fully with a wide smile spread accross her face.
And when that happens, should we get the scan done or not?
I'll be at week 34 by then...and only have about another 4 to 6 weeks to go before she pops and I can see her for real. So should we even spend that extra money to do it. Or just wait. I know we should wait...
little fingers and little toes, littles eyes and little nose, funny facial expressions and cute body reactions....and all without having to wait 4 to 6 more weeks. *BIG SIGH*
I'm soooooo sick of my own dark brown hair already! This is the longest I've gone without dying my hair and I am already running out of patience. The only reason why I still have not gone and done it is because Fred@LeVie REFUSES to colour my hair for me until AFTER I give birth.
I even offered to pay him more than his usual charges, but he's stubborn. Won't even budge. Won't even take out the colour chart for me to at least just look at the colours. Of course, I can easily walk into another salon to get it done, but then again, I don't trust anyone else with my hair except for Fred@LeVie and so, that's why my hair is still what it is. B-O-R-I-N-G!!!
I sms-ed him this morning, telling him to promise me that he will dye my hair for me with any colour I want cause I've been so obedient all these while.
I've got my sights set on either BLUE
I've decided not to go for red cause I've done that before a looooong time ago. I've also decided not to go for blonde cause I'm not as tanned as before anymore. That's why this time, I'm going for darker colours. But at least they're still not boring.
And besides, I want to try something new. But not too shocking as well.
Read this article and it got me thinking.
Why keep arresting Anwar?
If you're so serious about this issue and it's of such offence, why not arrest Saiful as well? After all, it takes two to tango.
Unless Anwar had the poor boy strapped down to the chair.
Such contradictions.
And you call yourselves our political leaders.
I think political court-jesters suits you more.
Cause you guys really seriously make me laugh!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's always like that...hmph!

Fine. I admit. I've ran out of things to blog about. Plus. I've become extremely lazy. And there's nothing that attracts me more now. Other than the BED. In the cold air-conditioned room.
So there. My excuse for the lack of blogs lately.
But then again. This is MY blogsite. And it's up to me when I want to post something.
I'm pregnant. Like 8 months. And. I. AIN'T. NOT. LIKING. IT.
C'mon. It's so unfair!
I don't understand why it's women that have to suffer from period cramps every month and the men don't have to go through anything. And why it's women that have to go through pregnancy's horrible symptoms (like yours truly here) and the men don't have to. And why is it that even through pregnancy, it's women that have to suffer from backaches, pelvic aches, stretch marks, frequent urination - DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO GO PEE IN AN HOUR??? IT'S NOT ONLY TIRING WALKING AROUND WITH A ONE TONNE BOWLING BALL IN YOUR TUMMY, BUT HAVING TO WALK TO THE TOILET LIKE A FREAKING MILLION TIMES IN ONE HOUR WITH THE BOWLING BALL STUCK TO YOUR TUMMY AND HAVING STREAKS OF PAIN SLICE THROUGH YOUR LOWER BACK AND PELVIC IS NOT FUN LORR!!! - and having to go through the pain of labour when the men don't need to go through any single thing at all? And why is it that after the baby is born, it's the women that have to suffer from sleepless nights and cracked nipples and engorged breasts when nothing happens to the men?
So unfair!
I WISH the men would suffer at least a little bit with their women so that they can learn to appreciate their women a little more.
But you know what I think?
I think the reason why I'm in such a foul mood now even with the weekend so close is BECAUSE the weekend is close.
And I especially detest THIS weekend because, as most of you would know by now and if you don't, you're more clueless than I am, it's the RAINFOREST FESTIVAL weekend in Kuching!!!!
And I'm missing it. Again.
Already bad enough that I missed last year's cause I was so busy preparing for the wedding. And I promised myself to make it for this year's one. But no. I decided to get pregnant instead. Of all things. I decided to subject myself to the woes of pregnancy.
So while the whole world is partying away to the sounds of rainforest festival, I'll be partying to the sounds of FattyHubby's snores and little unborn Renee's kicks and hiccups.
Digress a bit yah.
Talking about hiccups, Renee has been hiccup-ing a lot lately. Like close to 3 times a day. And I don't know if that's normal. Could it be because I've been drinking so much Coke that the gas are all going to her that's causing her to hiccup uncontrollably?
So please, mothers out there, if you know share.
Okay. Undigress.
Since we're on the subject of babies, let's talk about 3rd party inteference.
How are we ever going to gain experience by ourselves if you keep harping on the 'right' way to look after a baby??? What IS the 'right' way anyways? Just because it worked for you does not mean it will work for us. So, how is that the 'right' way?
And when you say 'right' way, you are referring to when you had a child which was AGES ago. Things have changed now. Technology have advanced. We don't do things the way you used to anymore.
Let's take for example. You say that a baby should not be put in an infant car seat when he/she is only a few days old. You say that the baby should be carried in the mother's arms while traveling.
But I say no. I say that it's safer for the baby to be placed in an infant car seat whenever we travel than to be carried in the mother's arms. Doctors say so. Books write so. The amount of horror stories I hear about what happens to babies who are carried in the mother's arms instead of placed in car seats while traveling is enough to tell me what is right and what is wrong.
So. What IS the 'right' way?
During your era got infant car seats meh? Of course don't have lah. So of course you say carry the baby is safer lah.
But think for a while can. Why did they even invent infant car seats IF carrying the baby is much safer? Invent for what then? To simply waste money issit? People so free meh nowadays?
Obviously a lot of R&D were put behind the invention of car seats and it was concluded that car seats are a safer mode of tavelling for babies lah.
So the same goes for your napkins vs diapers.
Old method of sterilizing bottles vs bottle sterilizers.
Sleeping on bed with mother vs sleeping in cot.
Baby cots vs playpens.
Sarongs vs nightgowns.
Bottle feeding vs breast feeding.
You vs Me.
So. Please. I appreciate all your advices. And you are free to give them to me. But DON'T and NEVER EXPECT me to listen to them if I feel that I can handle things MY own way.
That's all I ask.
Stop interfering.