Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Frills & Thrills

MamaYen and Pearlz dragged me to see more wedding gowns today and I think I actually found 2 pieces that I like very very much.
You know, nothing too extravagant or complicated, just simple and nice.
After all, I am not one who indulge, or even fancies, anything with lace or frills or anything too girlish.
Pearlz: She doesn't like anything girlie
MamaYen: Yah, get her something, you know, like manly
Femme: -_-
Imagine lah what the poor sales girl must be thinking.
Everything in the boutique is nothing but beads, lace, frills, sugar and candy and everything nice.
And whenever she took out something, my bridal gown consultants take one look at my turned-up, disgusted look and straight away turns the poor sales girl away...
Nah....that's too girl. We want something more....macho.
But I'm really glad I have them to come around with me to see gowns. I wouldn't know where to start if I were on my own.
And nope, going with the mother and godmother would not help.
They'd probably pick out all the ugliest ones for me.
In the end, out of the many hundreds of beautiful gowns for me to choose from, I only tried on 4 pieces.
And out of these 4, I only liked 2.
NEXT one please!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Silent Scream

Through the thick fuzziness of black and white noise on the screen
I saw it there, lying and resting in it's sanctuary
Where nothing can harm it or unsettle it
It moves a little every now and then
Trying to find a nice comfortable position
Before it settles down again to rest
Just looking at it sent waves of emotion spiraling through me
And it brought a tear to my eye
Because I know...
Suddenly, the image started moving
The black and white noise started jerking back and forth
And I can see it moving violently
It's only sanctuary threatened
It stretched as far as it could to the left
And then again to the right
But there was only so much space for it to move in
And there was no escape
And then, a vacuum-like thing appeared on screen
Moving back and forth
Looking for something
Looking for it
It started moving harder, jerking back and forth
Trying to shy away from the vacuum as much as it could
But the vacuum was too strong
After much wrestling, it happened
As the vacuum-like thing found it's target
It opened up its tiny little mouth
To scream
Before it was torn into shreds
Leaving only fragments of bones and flesh
And all I could see was little black and white pieces floating around
On the now quiet and silent screen
Where only a while ago
Slept a 12-weeks old baby
Everyone should be responsible for their own actions
picture taken from
fatty and i had to watch this video of a real-life abortion process during one of our CMPC sessions. and i realized that once a baby is formed, it feels. eventhough it's in your body, it FEELS. so please, think before you leap. the baby is innocent. do NOT kill such a precious thing because of your own mistakes.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Oink Oink

I look everywhere and I see my absolute favourite colour RED!
RED flowers
RED curtains
RED clothes
RED lanterns
RED angpow packets
how cool is that!
And the best thing about CNY this year is my collection of red packets.
It's boost up in numbers compared to last year and it just feels so great!
More ka-ching to spend, more ka-ching to save, more ka-ching to do whatever I want with them and the best thing is (just like every cny), these were given to me for freeeee...
And all I had to do was wish people Gong Xi Fa Cai.
This is the BEST thing about chinese new money for nothing! Gaaa-gaaa-gaaa!
However, this year was slightly different.
Instead of the usual reply to my wishes, this year, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) replied with:
"Nah...last one arr, next year no more lah"
"Next year your turn to give lorr"
"First year must give double yah"
No wonder my collection of angpows increased this year.
Everyone kesian me cause me gonna join the 'married' club so they pakat and give me duit simpati.
How can like that?
Next year married dy but I still younger mah, so can still take mah, no meh?
I think I was somewhat emo this new years though cause it kept playing in my mind that everything I've done for cny since the day I was born till now will change from next year onwards.
Last reunion dinner at mama and yehyeh's place
Last time for mummy and daddy to be wished by me first
Last chance for me to curi all the free food from home to give people when I go bai-lin
Next year I gotta buy the food myself....*sigh*...
Hmmm...maybe I can curi Fatty's money instead and use it to buy stuff for bai-lin
I don't mean literally curi of course, just taking it from him without letting him know first lah
And if he finds out, he can't scold me cause afterall, I'll be Mrs. Fatty by then, and the stuff comes from Mr & Mrs Fatty, so he has a share in it as well.
I can't believe I'm gonna be married by this time next year!
What if I loose all the people who admires me now? Not that I have any but I would like to believe that I still have many many many.
And then I would have to work even harder to maintain my physic for fear that Fatty might stray away and find himself a YOUNGER woman....*WAILS!!!*
Oh, the pressure of being married!
No wonder so many young women all look like they age 50 years right after their wedding.
Oh noooo, I don't want to look 50! Pleeeease...I'm not even 30 yet!
Oh gaaaaawd.....30....I'll be hitting the big 3-0 in 3 years......
Told you I'm emo...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentines Day!
the day for you to spend more money
on flowers and teddy bears that originally cost much much less
and squeezing with millions of other lovey-dovey couples
who are also spending more more money
on restaurants and diners
that magically conjures up 'Special Love Menus'
i never believed in V day, never had, never will
and i will never understand why in the world people feel that there should be only one day in a year that's special enough to take your loved one out for that expensive dinner, to buy her that expensive bouquet of flowers and to express that undying love and emotions.
*femme rolls eyes*
all day long today, i saw streams of bouquets being delivered to the office and the younger girls all giggling in delight.
i must admit, i was happy for them, envious even
but i think i would shrivel up in embarrassment if i were to receive one.
and then i noticed, people these days don't even deliver proper flower bouquets anymore.
the bouquets are all made up of soft toys on sticks and candies.
who likes soft toys anyways!!!
and soft toys on
that's just evil.
anyways, Happy V Day, peeps, and for all those who are out there spending more money, well, i'm sure she (or he) is worth every penny.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


It is so damn. fucking. wrong when you answer the phone to this:
. are you? Call me for what lah?
Eh, I happened to browse through Bel's Friendster page ya and she just uploaded new pictures.
WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU! You just can't call up a girl and say that??!!! (fuck fuck fuck!)
No mah, just want to let you know lorr...
Gee...thanks a lot. I feel so much better about myself now.
No prob!
Fuck off lah. Bye.
I just cannot imagine that he called me up just to tell me that on a freaking SATURDAY too!
So much for wanting to have a good weekend lah.
So much for feeling so good about myself lah.
So much for eating glorious food during CNY lah.
He called just to say I'm fat.
So while I was strutting around in my little bikini in Pangkor, everyone must be thinking, "Omg, what's that girl doing in a bikini? She's so fucking fat!"
Or while I was on the podium doing my thang, people mus be looking at me weird and telling the bouncers, "Eh, get that fat bitch off there lah....the podium gonna collapse lah"
And when I was running around with Pearlz on Friday evening looking for a new pair of shoes for her, "Earthquake! Earthquake!......Oh, it's just that fat thing there walking around"
You know what? Fuckit!
So what if I'm fat and look terrible.
I still have a Fatty who loves for who I am (maybe cos he's fat too)
I can still fit into all my clothes (even if it takes me a little longer to button up)
I don't see extra flabs on my face (except fot that double chin)
You know what?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

In Her Shoes

....yeah, literally.
these kindda things only happen with heels, like those super tinggi ones
and NOT with sneakers. i mean, aren't sneakers 'sport shoes'?
shoes to play sports with. therefore should be more reliable and compact.
NOT flappy.
but somehow,
and only these things can happen to Pearlz,
her sports shoe was

in fact, the entire rubber sole of her left shoe flapped off.
how it happened, i will never know and neither do i ever want to know.
and i pray with all my heart that this will never happen to me
MamaYen and i had to rush a limping-laughing Pearlz to the nearest shoe shop to get her a new pair.
thank goodness we were in a shopping complex and not in the middle of some street.
. .
Tell Me I'm Seeing Spots
. .
Jojo: wah, look at all the biscuits! (picks up a jar)
Jojo: yummy....pineapple tarts
Femme: mmm....
Jojo: erm...che, am i seeing things or are there fungus? (proceeds to shove whole jar into my face)

Femme: mmm....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Our little get-away

Fatty and I left KL at 6.30am and took a slow, relaxing drive to Lumut using the coastal road.
It was a little bumpier compared to the highway but there were much much more things to see rather than just a long, dull road going on endlessly in front of you.
We even made it on time to catch the 11am ferry from Lumut Jetty to Pangkor Island Beach Resort's private jetty.
By 12.30pm, we were very much in our own world on PIBR already and seriously, it was a beautiful place.
Pangkor Island Beach Resort is absolutely GORGEOUS!
It's even more beautiful seeing it with your own eyes than looking through pictures.
It was so gorgeous that Fatty and I decided to burst our own budget for the month and extended another night.
And we did absolutely nothing but lay down by the beach, a bottle of Jack to share between us and the clear blue sea lapping gently away at our feets.
I could not have asked for anything better.
One funny thing though, I think Fatty and I were like the ONLY Asians in the whole resort (and the resort is damn big ya). Everywhere we looked, we saw blondes, brunettes, red heads, white heads, bald ones too and these heads were all attached to ang-moh's bodies.
Seriously! Not another Asian in sight.
There was just one other Korean couple with their 2 children, but other than that, I felt like as if I was in a totally foreign country.
Even the resort staff were not allowed to speak in Malay to us cause they kept answering us in English no matter how hard we tried getting them to talk to us in BM.
Apparently, according to the cab driver who brought us for dinner on our 2nd night, the resort staff were trained NOT to speak to anyone in Malay.
That's just SO WRONG!
Yeah, I know you want to make the gwai-los feel at home, but what about the locals?
You forgot about us???
So, yeah, somehow, everything in PIBR land was foreign. The people. The bright bright sun. Even the moon was big and round throughout the 3 nights we were there.
Eating in the resort was extremely pricy too, but because PIBR is located away from town and has it's own secluded area, we really had no other choice but to dine in at the resort.
But we did get a chance to go out to town for dinner on our second night there.
And omg, seafood is damn freaking cheap in Pangkor!
We had fish, and sotong and meat and lots of other dishes and everything just came to slightly below RM50 for the whole meal!
If I lived in Pangkor, I would have turned into a fat bitch a looooong time ago.
Fatty and I spent a majority of our time by the beach and it's amazing what the ocean can surprise you with.
There were millions and millions of tiny sand crabs running all over the sand and from far, they really looked like ants scurrying around.
And then, as we walked along the beach, we could see so many giant size jellyfish washed up on shore and couldn't get back into the water.
Apparently, these jellyfishes are not poisonous (or so they say) but Fatty "thinks" he got stung. 10 minutes later, he was prancing around the beach again, saving sea-cucumbers.
And while he did that, I was just watching him from my deck chair, my glass of Jack in one hand, and telling myself, "Oh gawd, that's the man I'm gonna marry".
But then again, I love him...sea-cucumber savior and all.
On our last morning, while we were having breakfast on the Terrace, there was a huge commotion down on the beach and so, being the typical Malaysian ke-pohs, Fatty and I gulped down our drinks and went down to see what it was.
And boy, did we see it.
It may not look big here, but it was fucking HUGE!
I wonder how much these fisherman would make me pay if I released it back out to see. Hahahaha!
And then, before I knew it, it was time to pack and catch the ferry back to Lumut.
I'm gonna miss Pangkor soooo much.
We did make a stop in Kuala Selangor for lunch-cum-dinner at about 5.30pm though.
There were so many seafood restaurants for us to choose from and we didn't know which one to pick so we chose the one with the most customers.
Wrong choice.
The food was okay, edible, but I think we could have chosen a better one.
Oh well, there's always next time.
Oh yeah, and we saw this cute little doggie waiting for his owner to finish dinner before getting back to him. He's soooo adorable!
But now, I'm back and I wished I was back in Pangkor.
Then at least I wouldn't have dislocated my shoulder and I wouldn't have to be blogging from home now.