Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's my last day and I'm soooo excited!
Not excited cause it's my last day - I've been celebrating since I tendered the letter
But excited cause Fatty is bringing me to Cherating right after this!
It's been too long since I've breathed in the ocean's breeze and my gills are longing for fresh sea water. I can just imagine how good the water is gonna be, as they always say, Cherating is at its best in May and June.
Sad thing, we're only gonna be spending ONE night cause Fatty has to go back to work on Monday. Stupid client. Of all days, had to choose to do their commercial recording on a Monday!
Stupid or wat? Mondays are just after Sundays. Nobody in their right mind would be in a working mode on a Monday. Mondays are like post-Sundays. Whyever do you think there's such a thing called Monday Blues.
Cos people just DON'T do bloody commercial recordings on a Monday, stupid!
So, because of stupid clients who insist on doing stupid commercial recordings on a stupid Monday, Fatty and I will have no choice but to rush to Cherating after I'm done in this stupid place, spend one night, and rush back tomorrow night so that the stupid clients can get their DAMN STUPID recordings done!
But then again, it goes to show that only stupid companies will take up stupid clients because Fatty's company is stupid. They're sooooo stupid they decided to send Fatty far away from me to Jakarta the whole of next weekend. For some stupid conference. With more stupid people. And it's stupid because I happen to be on holiday whole of next week before I start my new job on the following Monday - yes, they are making me work on a post-Sunday, dammit, and Fatty won't be around to spend time with me.
And it's even more stupid because it was Fatty's boss that's making him go for this stupid conference. And it's stupid because Fatty's boss was the one who told Fatty that he has to be nice to ME, protect ME and always be around for ME.
So, Mr. Fatty's Boss, how can Fatty be nice to ME, protect ME and always be around for ME when YOU, dumbass, are sending him off to Jakarta for 4 freaking days, on MY days OFF???!!!
Urgh! I hate him sooo much I feel like squeezing lizards pus all over him, and then flinging the remains at his face. But then again, that's disgusting and no way am I even going near a lizard just for him. So he should just slunk off somewhere and die. And hopefully, while slunking away, he'll get hit by a HUGE tanker. But he won't die yet. Not till the tanker explodes open and it's contents of acidic liquid spills forth onto his face and burn it into nothing. But no, he still won't be dead. He'll be writhing in pain and all the journalist for the press and media will come take pictures of his ugly, distorted face, and then, post it up on the newspapers and internet and TV. Then Fatty won't have to go to Jakarta cause he'll have to visit him at the hospital. And then Fatty's boss's wife will divorce him and then he'll want to die. But he'll live to 100 before he does, hidden away in a cave in Tibet and never coming out.
Okay fine, I didn't mean anything I wrote. Just a figment of my imagination.
But I wish Fatty doesn't have to go.
Oh well, at least I get to go to the beach even if it's just for one day and I get a whole week off.
I had lunch with Juju and JamieLing yesterday and they were bitching on and on about how fat people are bad people and that all the fat people they know are all amazingly bad people too.
Juju: Aren't we glad that we're all skinny people here!
Me: *nodded in agreement*
Juju: *looks at me* But you're getting there, Kris! You better be watch it. Go on a diet or something.
And then, it was SandyMae's farewell dinner last night so everyone in the clan got together for a scrumptious meal. I walked pass Grandma and she grabs my arm.
She: Waaaah, Kristy, you put on weight horr (in cantonese)
Me: *waaaaaails!!!*
And that totally ruined my entire night.
I really hate it. I hate the fact that I KNOW I've put on weight and I KNOW I'm fat, but I absolutely hate it when I'm told in the face that I'm fat!
It's like, you don't go up to a bald man and tell him he's bald! You don't expect him to go, "Wha - whaat? I'm bald????!!!". I'm sure he KNOWS he's bald, for fuck's sake.
And I KNOW I'm fat! So don't tell me something that I already know, okay.
On another less frustrating note,
I would like to wish all mother's out there a HAPPY MOMMA'S DAY!!!
and also, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my darling ANISTON!!!
muaks muaks muaks!

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