Oh yessssss I am.
And thanks to everyone who wished me safe journey.
Cos you know what? It's because of YOU that I'm safely back!
(okay, shit, corny, I know. I'm still a little stoned)
We spent 7 days and 6 nights in Beijing and I don't know why but throughout all 6 six nights, I could not sleep a wink. Well, the last 2 nights, there was a reason why I could not sleep a wink lah.
Fatty and I had some serious issues to settle, but because he is such a lovable, forgiving and understanding man, we settled it.
(I really sound like I'm trying to blow his bubble kan >_<)
Seriously, I woke up every freaking hour!
But not like as if there were any hantu(s) in the room lah, cause I didn't see any. Besides, I was sleeping with Jojo and Sarah and they slept like pigs!
Maybe it's cause I wasn't used to sleeping in an unfamiliar bed without my Fatty next to me lah (there I go again, kissing ass).
Anyways, so, because I could not sleep a wink all through the 6 nights we were there, and was even more stressed because of the issues I had to settle with Fatty, I started looking like a freaking panda bear, with black rings, puffy eyes, bad complexion and worse, rashes all over my body!
Okay, I don't think the rashes were caused by my lack of sleep lah. It was more because of the cold DRY weather in Beijing that made me break out in a tiny zillion irritating spots all over my body, and I STILL got it like right NOW.
So, on the 6 hours flight back to KL, and with the plane facing some technical problems which caused us NOT to be able to watch Norbit, I decided to try to get some sleep. But I just couldn't! So, champion here decided to down herself with wine, totally forgetting that fact that alcohol is triple the effect when you're in altitude! *smacks forehead* And champion had more than 6 glasses!
Champion got sloshed. No recollection of the plane landing. No recollection of the journey back to the house. Nothing.
And I am STILL suffering from a light hangover now yah.
People around me actually look sooooo pretty *smiles like a dumb idiot*
Okay, enjoy the pictures!
.The immigration was PACKED!
can't really remember the name of this park but it's a nice park =)
jojo, me and sarah @ the nice park (seriously cant remember its name)
Bell Tower
We had to climb up 75 freaking steps to see a bell okay! It was NOT funny. And there was no way you could stop to catch your breathe. Cause shy mah....scared people laugh and say, "Aiyoh, 75 steps ONLY mah...also cannot meh".
And so, I pushed myself all the way up. And almost died in the process. 75 steps only mah! Cannot meh! Hmph!
.a really cute Chinese boy - but started crying when I waved to him >_<'
@ the Great Wall! I even made it all the way up!
There was this woman, who was dressed in a fluorescent green dress, with a radio strapped to her waist, blasting out chinese techno music, climbing up the same time as me. And she was soooo energetic I wanted to push her down!
I mean, irritating kan. Here I was, huffing and puffing up the damn steps, and it's NOT easy okay. The steps were all uneven, some higher than the others, some shorter. And then, when all I wanted to do was just to concentrate on climbing the damn thing, I hear, of ALL things, Chinese TECHNO music blasting out from behind me and then a blinding green comes into sight! I could have lost grip on the steps and fallen to my death!!!
Gawd! I SHOULD have pushed her down!
There were like a row of these chains and locks lined up on the first 10 feet of both sides of the Great Wall. And me, being the dumb tourist that I was, decided to go buy myself a lock to add on to the chain as well.
They were selling the locks at the souvenirs shops and I wanted to get one. But daddy stopped me. Told me not to waste money worr. Fucker.
But later, when I asked our personal tour guide what the locks signify, she explained to me. Apparently, married couples come here and put these locks on to show each another that they are locking their hearts together as one.
KNN! Thank goodness me no buy lock and lock one there, man! If not, I would have locked my own heart away and not share it with anyone else. Phew....close call.
Okay, daddy, you NO fucker anymore. Me lup you long time =)
@ Temple of Heavens with my loved ones
@ WangFuJie Street - deep-dried crickets and scorpions
yes, these are the lizards you see on your ceiling every night
madness came over me. I had the cricket and scorpions. they taste a lot like Twisties.
I think it's Duck Tongue. Yeah, they need PR desperately
drunk on the flight back. i dont even remember taking this picture.
MamaYen and I were late cause we rushed to Hartamas to get our hair done. I wanted a simple, elegant look.
They gave me the punk rock chick look *femme sighs*
pearls, rocker chick & mamayen
BigSisterAlly's going off to Adelaide. So we had the farewell dinner at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng in Leisure Mall last night.
BigSisterAlly and little Gabriel
We gonna miss you. Have a safe trip and we'll come over to visit you whenever we can okay!
1 comment:
OMG..u actually ate those 'twisties' like stuff.. omg omg omg.
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