Thursday, November 13, 2008


Seriously, only mothers out there will understand that staying home to be a full-time mom HAS GOT TO BE the toughest job on the planet!
I NEVER in my life expected my life to be like that. If I'd known, I'd have waited a little longer before ever deciding to have a baby.
Babies are not easy to deal with.
It's not the pooping or the feeding or the rocking to sleep or anything.
It's the CRYING!
And especially when they cry for no reason at all!
Or at least I don't think there's a reason for them to cry.
Diapers cleaned. Checked.
Hunger satiated. Checked.
Room temp just nice. Checked.
Baby's temp. Checked.
Tummy nice and soft. Checked.
Sleepiness. Checked.
I could cry with you.
Because I really don't know what you want.
And I've tried my best to comfort you in all ways possible.
And the worse thing is for a mother not to know what her child wants and to fail in comforting her child.
I'm a failure.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Che ah...........
you are not the only one facing the music of Renee's cries okay... she's my alarm clock that 'rings' every 2-hours..hahahah! But you will feel and realize one day that going through all this 'music'is worth while...

Wait till she starts TALKING!!! Hahahaha... remember how Sarah drove us up the wall???