Monday, April 09, 2007

Boys & Girls & Cemetary

Went for Cheng Beng on Sunday. My last Cheng Beng before I can happily skip next year's and next next year's and next next next year's (and so on) Cheng Beng forever! *squeals in delight*!
I know Cheng Beng is a great way to stay in touch with your ancestors, but seriously, dont you think it's a little not very sincere to actually just go ONCE a year and only because it's Cheng Beng???
And it's even worse when you have to be forced, dragged and threatened to go to the cemetery for Cheng Beng to pay your respects to someone that you don't even know!
I do respect the fact that these people were my great-grandparents once upon a time ago, but honestly, going there, standing under the hot sun just to wait for your turn to hold the jost-stick, shake it up and down three times, and then walk away does NOT constitute as paying respect lorr.
So, I may feel a little sad that this is my last Cheng Beng, but I am very very much happier to know that I won't ever need to go for this next year ever again!
On another note, Fatty and I went to Bangsar to meet up with Gord & Cin for dinner at Nirvana's Banana Leaf. Naturally, they were late, and so, we went for a stroll in Bangsar Village.
Okok...maybe not exactly a stroll to pass time but more of a stroll to go get something I want.
I've been wanting this pair of shoes I've seen a long time ago, but it was out of my budget for last month and eversince then, I've been drooling over getting them. It haunted me night and day and it was in my mind every waking second that I knew I just HAD to get them.
And so, with my pay recently out, we went for that stroll in Bangsar Village. It helped that Gord & Cin were late too.
And guess what?!! *grins*
After dinner, we went to Socials for many many games of pool. And I love playing pool with Fatty cause he always lets me win - not intentionally either.
So, it was Fatty and me against Gord and Cin.
At the next table, there was this bunch of girls playing pool too and one of them was wearing a very nice lycra white top paired off with a knee-length denim skirt.
And as it happened, she had to bend down to aim for her ball with her ass facing directly where Fatty and I were sitting.
"See lah, baby, I'm a man lah. Tell me lah, how am I suppose to NOT look at that" while looking in the direction of that girl's ass.
"Yah, but she doesn't have a nice face"
"Aiyoh, just cover her face and do it for the country lah!"

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