Thursday, August 16, 2007

100 and still living

This is my 100th blog on blogspot!
Something to celebrate about k, cos I didn't expect to actually last till a 100.
But I did!
And I'm still not bored with the blog yet.
Thank goodness I love writing.
Cherating was AWESOME!
We arrived like almost midnight on Friday night so went straight to sleep lah, but early Saturday, we woke up and headed for the beach.
The sun was up'n'shinin', the waves were rock'n'rollin' and beers were nice'n'cold. Nothing could get better.
And good it was cos this time, I successfully worshipped the sun for a good 5 solid hours, without any hint of dark clouds to block off the rays.
And I got my tan back!
So happy *femme grins widely*
Sunday, however, was bleak.
So bleak that it couldn't get any bleaker.
It rained from the moment I woke up till the minute we arrived back in KL.
So, instead of spending time on the beach (like I had any other choices), Fatty and I went to Ayer Jernih with AuntyLuan for a day out.
She brought us to this restaurant where they served delicious curry wild boar!
So yummy can die.
And it was weird cos out of nowhere, after an hour of driving from Cherating, two rows of wooden shops appears in front of you and one of the shops there is famous for their food!
Will post up pictures next once I've got them downloaded.

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