Friday, November 30, 2007

You think I'm a baby making machine?

Now that the wedding is over, I realise that conversations around me, which were always centered around weddings for the pass few months, have now taken a sharp turn and has landed on the topic of babies.
And we're talking about only less than a week from the wedding ya.
Like on Monday night, FattyHubby (previously known only as Fatty) and I brought my new in-laws out for dinner and throughout the entire drive home, my mum-in-law was going on and on and on about "When you're pregnant, you must do.....", "When you're pregnant, you cannot cut anything on....", "You know, when I was pregnant, I was....." and it just went on and on till we got back to the house.
Aaargh!!! The pressure!!!
We haven't even gone on our honeymoon lah, relax a bit can?
And then, on Tuesday night, we brought my parents and sisters out for dinner, and the entire conversation during dinner was how mummy gave birth to me...the same old story about her eating too many watermelons and her waterbag broke 8 weeks early and I came out into the world a prematured poorthing.
*Rolls eyes*
Do you feel the pressure now too???
And then. AND THEN. I called mummy on Thursday night, just to talk to her, update her about my day at work and told her that my dad-in-law was sick but was too stubborn to go see a GP, and you know what she told me???
She said, "Tell your father-in-law that he must put importance on his health if he wants to still be alive to see his grandchildren. Must use the grandchildren word as a carrot to dangle in front of him, then he'll be more careful with his health".
Use MY children as a DANGLING CARROT????
This is so super salah.
And then, in the background, I heard daddy come back with some super comeback line to mummy.
"Dangle what lah. Nanti biji also don't have, what to dangle"
I soooo need to go home and lie down now. My head has been pounding non-stop since this morning and I know it's telling me to go back and sleep!
But I can't.
My boss conveniently RSVP-ed herself and I to go for The Sun & The Edge Annual Party tonight @ Modestos, Desa Sri Hartamas, but you know what the funny thing is, my boss is also conveniently on mc today and I'm left to go all by my lonesome self.
Check out what my horoscope for the day says about me today:
See!!! Even it can tell that I'm not in my usual happy-clappy, super Ms. PR woman mood!.
AND SLEEP!!!!!!!
Thank goodness I managed to coax DesignerKajen and SuperSalesManFoong to come be my escorts for the night, else I'd die from boredom.
"Eh, come follow me for The Sun & Edge --"
"Dowan lah"
"No, but its --"
"Dowan lah"
"Got free flow booze worr"
"Aiyah, why never say earlier! OF COURSE we attend with you"

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