bac·te·ria bak-'tir-E-a
Function: noun1 : BACTERIUM
not usually used technically caused by a bacteria borne by certain tiny ticks —Wall Street Journal-infect a person —Cheryl Clark
im·be·cile mb-sl, -sln.
A stupid or silly person; a dolt.
A person whose mental acumen is well below par.
A person of moderate to severe mental retardation having a mental age of from three to seven years and generally being capable of some degree of communication and performance of simple tasks under supervision. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
- LIARS - if you don't plan to tell the truth, stfu.
- Bittergourd
- Red Lipstick - need I say more?
- Cold weather
....and MOST OF ALL.....
HYPOCRITES - smiling fuckers who jabs you in the back the second you turn. They are akin to bacterias and imbeciles, I tell you.
And do you know where you can find most of these things??? In the freaking office!!! Yes, it's true. Each and everyone of us are surrounded by these blood-sucking, vile creatures. All of us have fallen prey to their vicious stings and posoinous bites. If you have not, you WILL. We cannot escape. We can't run. There's no where to hide from these nasty ticks. They will sniff you out, hunt you down and trap you in your little corner, while you quiver in fear and cry silently for help. But you know what, nobody will come to your aid. Because nobody wants to be the next-in-line for these villians.
And the worse thing is, you won't even know who they are until it's waaaaaay too late. Until you've been bitten. Oh, they're very good pretenders, you know. The best in the world. Hell, if they give out awards for the 'Best Pretender of the Year', I can bet you every ringgit in my pathetic bank account that they will win. Hands down!
Oh, they're very cunning alright. They smile sweetly, syrup dripping from each sentence that leaves their foul mouth, offering to help you should you need any assistance from them, exclaiming to the whole world that you are the best person to be friends with and getting you all soft-hearted as you sucker up to them.
And then, next thing you know, when you do indeed go ask them for help, they're always busy with something else "Oh, I really wanna help but you know lah, I have to settle this first" kindda thing, and before you know it, instead of syrup, word gets back to you that they've been spitting nothing but venom when talking about you to others. Oh, but they're still all sweet and nice when you talk to them,. However, turn your back and they stab you with a BLUNT knife (yes, not even a sharp one okay). These bloody morons.
I seriously don't know if these vicious imbeciles read blogs and frankly, I don't give a damn even if they do, but there are a few I have encountered in the place where I earn my living and I absolutely CANNOT TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE!!!
You know, I'm actually really flattered that you think me worthy enough to wanna bitch about me behind my back. Afterall, I usually won't talk about someone unless that person is worth talking about. So it looks like you find me to be 'something', huh, since you just looooove to talk about me. Honey, you know what my mother told me before? She said I should be happy that someone actually finds me worthy enough to wanna spend time and energy talking about cos that means that he / she is envious of me or jealous of me.
And you know what, I think she's absolutely right! You ARE jealous of me!
It's common knowledge to everyone that you find me (or at least my department) a THREAT! You can't control us, and even if you wanted to, you KNOW you can't do anything about it. We are waaaaaay out of your reach and you are way too low for us to even bother about. You know, it feels really nice to have someone bitch about me, and most especially so when that person happens to be YOU.
I mean, just compare your position to mine. You hold a post that is way up there, and you can do anything you want, have anything you desire, and yet, you can still find time to climb down that corrupted ladder of yours to bitch about me. Wow, isn't that something!
But since this is MY blog and I can say whatever I want to, I just want to let you know that you are a DESPICABLE IMBECILE! I despise the fact that you can be so bloody nice to me when you're in front of me, talk to me about how nice my Prada bag even, and then I find out from someone else that you have been complaining about me!
Excuse me, but if you have a fucking problem with me, then tell it to my face, alright! Don't go behind my back and try to get someone else to do the dirty work for you, k. That is such a coward thing to do (oh, but then again, I forgot you're an imbecile - someone who might be suffering from severe retardation), so maybe that's why you don't have the BRAINS and INTELLIGENCE to do the right thing.
C'mon lah, you think wat? Just because you are who you are, you can go around saying what you want about people meh. Wanna say also make sure you got a fully-loaded pistol lah, and not just shooting blank bullets. You think blank bullets can harm me ar? No lorr. And definitely not when I have a fully-loaded M16 lorr.
Kan I already emailed you from long, long time ago saying I cannot take up that project? My department so little people, and as it is, we're already up to our necks with work, how to take on new account. You think we superwomen meh? Maybe we are lah, but superwoman also got limits kan. And then, after 2 months of silence, you wanna bangkit-kan cerita lama and try to cucuk me ar? Please la. Things like that cannot work on me wan lah. Wanna say that I never got back to you about it issit? Wanna say got money to let me bring in also I dowan issit? And then wanna bring this up to FM issit? Well, missy, unfortunately for your sorry little ass, I have that email saved in my sent items lor. That's right, darl, black & white!
And why bring up to FM for? Think FM can help you ar? Got problem with me then bring up to the big C lah. Why dowan? Because you KNOW your accusations are not valid enough, kan! You KNOW if bring up to the big C, you yourself will get shot down in the end kan! A bit the stupid right you.
Don't you feel like an idiot right now? Tsk tsk.
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