Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I arrived at the office this morning to find 3 Christmas presents sitting prettily on my table.
One from Pearlz & Pat.
One from Tasha.
One from MamaYen.
And they sat there looking at me expectantly, thinking I will magically whip out their presents from my HUGE Chloe.
But all I whipped out were a box of Royal Gold Luxurious Facial Tissues, a Scotex toilet roll and a bag containing my precious Kotex Overnight Wings.
I'm sorry but it's that time of the month for me again and I'm in a terribly lousy mood because having cramps is really really not funny and I had no time to think about buying Christmas presents let alone wrapping them.
But hell did I feel guilty for walking into the office empty handed while 3 prettily wrapped presents sat at my table waiting for me.
Meaning I'll be dragging my arse down to the closest mall this evening Sad
Can't believe that Christmas is just round the corner and I still am in no Christmas mood.
Was at Curve last night and everything was blueeeeee....
Everyone in the office today is dressed in nothing but blueeeee....
The Christmas presents I received are wrapped in blueeeee.....
Even my finger nails have turned an ugly coloured blueeeee.....
*femme sighs*
Doesn't help that I'm suffering from cramps as well.
Good news is that when Christmas is really really here, my cramps will be over and done with.
And I'll be able to celebrate Christmas properly.
Also doesn't help that fatty & I had some stupid disagreement yesterday and didn't talk to each another the whole day.
Althought we've already made up (no kiss though), it still feels weird.
And I still don't know what to get him for Christmas!!!

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