Thursday, December 21, 2006


I walked into the office this morning and gave MamaYen and Pearlz each a creatively wrapped Christmas pressie and watched them grin with glee.
No, they didn't hungrily tear the wrapper apart as I expected them to, but they were happy all the same.
And I didn't have to feel guilty for walking into the office yesterday, empty handed with only a couple of sanitary pads to offer, anymore.
*femme pats herself on back* pat pat
Finding a parking spot in Mid Valley is so NOT funny okay.
It requires the patience of an extremely holy nun and the skills of Rempit bikers.
And I am neither.
Therefore, if you were looking for parking at Mid Valley last night and happened to see an almost bald girl yelling at the top of her voice and tugging at whatever remains of hair left on her head, that would be me.
So, as you can guess, there was a very grumpy bald Femme stomping around the mall last night, getting last minute Christmas gifts, and a hassled-looking Fatty running after her.
The good news was that I managed to get Jojo's, MamaYen's and Pearlz's Christmas presents.
The bad news is that I still don't know what to get for the 2 most important men in my life - Daddy and Fatty.
*femme sighs*
(femme has been sighing so much lately, there really isn't much air left in her anymore)
Watched it. Enjoyed it. Won't watch it a 2nd time.
The actors and actresses are all new. And it's obvious that they're pretty new in this career as you'd be able to spot certain flaws in their acting throughout the movie.
But it was a good effort put in.
CG was good too (but don't la compare it to Lord of The Rings/Harry Potter).
And I didn't think it was a good move to pick Rachel Weiz for the voice of Saphira, the Dragon.
It made the dragon sound lame. And it looked such a magnificent beast too.
But overall, go watch the movie at least ONCE.
(trust me, there WILL be a sequel).

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