Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Kill

With eyes like a hawk, she watches it zoom around the room.
It darts from top to bottom, side to side, as fast as the wind but never once did she lose sight of it. She was on a mission and her mission was to do one thing and one thing alone.
It had already attacked her once and she wore the wound on her right wrist. It would not attack her again because it was smart enough to understand the mission she was on, and it knew the mission was to have it dead. To go near her again for another attack might cost it it's life and it could not risk it.
It zoomed passed her ears, taunting her, teasing her. She remained still, knowing that the slightest move might cost her the only chance of killing it. She watched it zipping around, as fast as lighting, calculating it's every move, mentally strategizing when to move in.
Soon enough, it got tired and landed out of view, or so it thought.
It stayed there, resting, unknown of its impending death.
But her eyes were sharp. She saw it. And made her move.
It never even saw it coming.

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