Saturday, September 30, 2006

Office Cockroaches - Yucks!

Crazy people are like crawling all over the place. They are like cockroaches, lurking in dark corners and when you least expect to see one, they scurry out from their hiding places and runs across your feet.

Most people's reaction to a cockroach would be to WHACK! it - HARD
And that's what I plan to do to the cockroach in my office.
Because this cockroach has been alive and kicking for far too long and it's beginning to annoy the fucking daylights out of me. But it's good, really good. It hides so well in its own dark place that nobody ever even notices there is one there, until it runs out and RUINS people's lives!
And worse! With the blardy thing alive for so long, it has even begin to start having her - oops! Did I say 'her'? I meant to say 'it' - own fucking colony living within its nest.
All of them, just lurking there, ready for their leader to give the signal, and they are ready to scurry out from their hiding holes and cause screams of terror among everyone else.
But not me. No way. I'm not in the least terrified of cockroaches. In fact, I fine joy in flattening them to nothing.
And I am already planning out my masterplan to trap this cockroach on my own. Because this cockroach has been nothing but a pest and a nuisance and it almost ruined my career!.
And once I catch it, I'm gonna feed it, make it turn so fat and so trusting towards me and then one day, when it least expects anything to happen to it - WHAM!!!! - At worst, my Gucci boots will just have to be sent for a thorough cleaning. But imagine my joy in hearing the loud pop! of the exploding little IMBECILE.

Bye-bye little cockroach! Have fun in your afterlife - if you even have one.

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