Monday, March 12, 2007

Eccentric Eyebrows

Seriously, I don't know where I even find the time to blog.
Work is killing me.
Personal time is killing me.
I guess this blog is the only thing that is keeping me alive "-_-"
Eccentric turned ONE
on Saturday.
The party was at Modestos Hartamas and the guests were beautiful.
The 'mamasan', HotTemperedJinee, was at her peak, basking at everyone, accepting her 'Congrats' gracefully and getting pissed drunk.

BlossomMich and I were happily hopping around, snapping pictures like as if it was OUR party, and downing whisky by the dozens.
Typical Malaysian kiasu-ness drinks = down more.

DrunkardDougie dragged me in to take part in some game on the dance floor with spotlights shining down on me.
It was the Spelling Game.
And we had to spell Eccentric with our ass.

"I don't have much of an ass lah" I whispered to Mr. DJ, hoping to escape from the game.
"It's okay. Chinese girls usually don't have ass anyways!" he said into his mic.


and went to do it ">_<"
Not that I'm defending my case or anything, but I've actually been contemplating to get it done a long time ago but never actually got to doing it.
So when I saw BlossomMich's eyebrows and eyelashes, I gave-in to that desire.
I went to get my eyebrows permanently coloured onto my face and got my non-existent lashes permed.
Yups, that's what I did!

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